Friday, March 30, 2007

Grocery Bargains

I'm always shopping for a bargain and I found an ad tonight that caught my eye. It read: "Yes, here is the catch of the season. At Loblaws" Here are some of the prices:

  1. White bread: 2-1lb, 2oz loafs for $0.15
  2. Bananas: 5 lbs for $0.25 (sure beats the $0.59/lb I paid earlier in the week)
  3. Beef roast: $0.17/pound
  4. Del Monte coffee: $0.19/pound (I wonder if this coffee will ever be served at CFC's canteen?)

Now these are bargains that seem too good to be true. They are since they were advertised in a 1940 paper that I saw at the 1844 House restrauant tonight. Check the ladies room out if you every dine at this establishment and you'll find lots of interesting information from the 1940's. The information is contained in newspapers that serve as wallpaper in the ladies room. I wonder what wallpaper is in the men's room?

1 comment: said...

Some prices! It would be fun to see the papers. I posted some comics at church that I thought would bring some laughs, from old papers. One was about a girl saying to her mother, that she would change her man after they were married! Her mother just laughed! I wonder why?