Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wildlife in the Cabin

I've had a few wildlife vistors to the cabin over the past few weeks.

A week ago my cats were going frantic early in the morning. They were running up and down the hall and jumping over my bed. Initially, I thought that they were very playful early in the morning, but then I sooned realized I had an unwanted visitor in my house: a bat.

The bat was flying through my hall and then around my bedroom and back down the hall. I'm not sure why the bat was interested in keeping this flight pattern, but he sure was persistent in staying on course.

I finally made my way downstairs after dodging the bat a few times. I promptly got my broom from the bathroom and headed out to find my little flying vistor. My flying vistor was no where to be found. My one cat (Angel) was laying on the floor in the living room, but my other cat (Shadow) had disappeared too. I concluded that if I found Shadow I would find the bat. I began to venture back upstairs and sure enough the bat was hanging on my wall. Shadow was sitting on my dresser and staring the bat down. One whack with the broom caused the bat to fly around again. The bat made the mistake, though, of landing on my bed. I hit him again, flopped on the floor, and laid there motionless. I wrapped him up and threw him outside for his next adventure.

A couple nights later my cats acted up again. This time there was a small mouse running around my bedroom floor. My cats chased it downstairs and corned it. I was able to nab it with a paper towel and threw it out where the bat was; I hope they kept each other company.

2 comments: said...

Bravery comes with living alone,eh? I'm proud of you!

The Truth of God teaches said...

Poor little critters. They never had a chance against your mighty broom!!!catzndogz9 (Michele)