Friday, January 11, 2008

Embracing My God Ordained Femininity

I've been reading a new book lately. The book is written by a good friend of mine, Susan Chapman Brown. The title of the book is "Designed for Destiny."

Paragraphs from the first section of the book sums up what the book is about:

Too often and too easily, in the declining culture of today, women lose sight of the design, the grace, the beauty, and the purpose in which God destined for each of us to live. Our desire is to restore women to that place of knowing God and His plan for them; exposing the feministic lies of pits, pedestals and power and releasing them in the balance and dignity of God ordained femininity.

Through the use of teas, teapots, and teachings, God has revealed a key that begins to open a place where we, as women, were destined to dwell. Here, we begin to see our femininity is His design. Just like little girls in their tea party play, we begin to let down our guard, stepping right over comparison and competition, into the royal court of His presence, where we can put on and walk in His lavish treasures.

The book is set up to be read as a devotional. Sue actually has trademark the phrases "FemininiTea" and "TeaVotional" since all of the devotionals are based on teachings that God has given her using teapots and tea cups, and the teachings are designed to restore God ordained femininity to ladies.

I've been reading sections of the book each morning before going to work. God used the "teavotional" that I read yesterday to show me that I am the beautiful woman that He created me to be and that circumstances in my life don't change this.

After I finished reading yesterday morning, I felt led to listen to a song that sings about how beautiful Jesus is. The Lord spoke to me during the song about how beautiful I am to Him. It was a time were God deposited a fresh dose of recapturing my God ordained femininity. I was feeling like a real lady in God's kingdom as I got into my car. I began driving down the road when I heard an unusual sound coming from the right front side of the car. It sounded like an issue with the brake. I turned around and went back to my house so that I could check it out. I got my brightest flashlight from the house and began my inspection of the brake. I found a branch that had wrapped itself around the my wheel and was rubbing against the brake pad. The surgery to remove it involved me getting my hands behind the wheel and pulling the branch out.

With dirt and grease on my hands, God still reminded me of my God ordained femininity and that this didn't change even though I had dirt and grease on my hands. How so true...that my God ordained femininity doesn't change with circumstances. There have been many circumstances in my life where my God ordained femininity was stolen from me. I'm so thankful that God is in the business of restoring this identity to me and that He allows people like Susan Chapman Brown to speak His truth to me. I'm excited to embrace His truth and be released in the balance and dignity of my God ordained femininity. Thank you Lord.


connielafaver said...

i was very pleased when i read what you had written and i can tell you that i have watched the delicate side of female life that the enemy had stolen from you being restored back to you so graciously. it truly is the lord in your life and i am excited to see what the days ahead will hold for you my dear friend. keep cleaving unto him and you will have it all, skies the limit for you laura...

always a friend, connie said...

Laura, such a blessing to have read your message to us this morning. I do appreciate our loving Heavenly Father giving such encouraging words! He assured me yesterday that we are in His Hand and that we will become what He intends for us to be! I'm praying for you. Love, Jean

thisrequiresthought said...

what a great story!

make sure you are prepared to incorporate it into a teaching or testimony, as it is a powerful example of God's truth, not to mention sense of humor!!

Darlene Sinclair said...

I just tagged you for one of those silly, fun games that are played in the blog world! Check my site for details!

Anonymous said...

As we have discussed a few times, God has been showing me the TRUTH of what He created me to be since Sue's visit and the DEW group meeting at Nancy H's home.
As I have said, I most assuredly won't be dancing around in frills and lace anytime soon but God...God, my ABBA daddy, did something incredible and new and unusual in me. He slid and embedded the Truth and His Love deep, deep into place within my heart when I finally embraced the real Truth of my femininity.
Amazing. He is such an awesome and PATIENT God! It has taken years for me to get it!
It's a new day everyday for I suddenly woke up to being a girl!!!
Great post.
I guess I will do the tag thing again...