Saturday, November 01, 2008

So Many Things to Do

I never seem to have a lack of things to do. There are days that I would love to sit in my bed all day with my computer, Bible, and other study materials and immerse myself with the Word. This is where I have been for the past hour or so learning more about the parable of the mustard seed. And as I've said, I would love to stay here all day, but there are many things that I need to do before I leave for NY tomorrow.

So what is on my to-do list? Clean apartment, pack, pay bills, go to a baseball game, make laundry soap, and spend time with the Brown family. This is a long list and I guess I need to get going so that I also have time to do this:


nymrsb said...

I think you forgot "wash towels" :)
Looking forward to seeing you...

Selah said...

Another wonderful day at Lake Grapevine. Sorry you are so far away. Won the ballgame 14 -3. Excellent Sunday service. You were missed.