Saturday, October 10, 2009

Question Was Asked

I returned from a twelve day trip to NY earlier this week.  Arising to Excellence Ministries held a regional conference in Watertown and Susan Brown (Ministry’s President) had several other ministry events there too. 

During the trip I had many opportunities to talk about God’s calling on my life to serve Susan as her armor bearer.  One person asked the question “What is the greatest lesson that you’ve learned serving as an armor bearer?”  It was a question that I wasn’t expecting and didn’t really have an answer.  It was a question that caused me to meditate.  I found myself seeking the Lord for His answer.  Lord what is the greatest lesson that You want me to learn as an armor bearer?  His answer: be a servant.

I’ve read the book titled “God’s Armor Bearer”.  It is written by Terry Nance and there are two volumes.  I highly recommend the book for anyone that God has called to be an armor bearer. 

Terry writes on pages 15 & 49:

“The spirit of an armor bearer is the spirit of Christ.  It is the heart of a servant.”

“As an armor bearer, you have a called ministry to serve the general of God’s army.”

The greatest lesson that I’m learning is to develop the spirit of Christ within me so that I may serve the general of God’s army that He has appointed me to.  Terry also shares on page 51:

“God-called armor bearers are there to support the leader and help fulfill the vision God has given him.”

Learning to develop a heart of a servant means that I lay down my vision and help Susan fulfill the vision God has given her.  Susan’s vision is to proclaim hope, healing, and restoration to people across the world.  I am on board with this vision, but I sometimes fail at laying down my vision of how to get there.  This is where I’ve been challenged the most.  I must admit there have been times that I haven’t always made Susan’s vision of how we get there a priority.  My own will has gotten in the way and clashed with Susan’s will, and ultimately God’s will for me to be an armor bearer.

It is comforting to know that Christ was challenged just as I have been.  God’s vision for salvation was for Christ to be a sacrifice for the sins of the world.  Christ’s prayer before He was betrayed indicated that He was challenged to lay His vision down of how to accomplish this:

My Father!  If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me.  Yet I want Your will to be done, not mine.”

Matthew 26:39

In spite of Christ’s challenge of laying down His will for the Father’s, He did the Father’s will because He understood the impact of His choice on eternity.

Acts 9:3-19 describes Saul’s experience when the Lord called him to serve the Lord.  When the Lord called me to serve as Susan’s armor bearer, my experience was similar to Saul’s.  There was no room for doubting that the Lord had called me since I experienced a visitation from the Lord like no other time in my life.  I clearly understand, now, that this was necessary in order for me fulfill God’s calling in my life as an armor bearer.   Being an armor bearer is not easy.  Yes there are many rewards in serving another’s vision, but there are many challenges too.  It is during the challenging times that God reminds me of the time when He spoke His will for me.  I hang onto His purpose and vision for my life in order to continue serving Susan’s vision.

The greatest lesson of developing the spirit of Christ within me is learning how to walk in God’s will for my life and understanding that my choices are impacting eternity and people’s lives.  I only want His will to be done and not mine.  This means that I continue serving Susan, laying my vision down for hers, and trust God to use my service to impact eternity and people’s lives.

I am humbled by the fact that God would call me to be an armor bearer and serve Susan.  This past year has been the best and happiest year of my life.  There is no better place than to be serving the living God and knowing that I’m doing what He has called me to do.  Thank you, Lord, for trusting me and giving me an opportunity to serving Your will and not mine.


nymrsb said...

Good post. Sounds like a topic for armor bearer school :). Thanks for answering the call!

Johanna said...

I like your blog. I had no clue you had one. This is Johanna (Roland Finehout's wife). Hope you can make it over to our blog!