Friday, March 30, 2007

Grocery Bargains

I'm always shopping for a bargain and I found an ad tonight that caught my eye. It read: "Yes, here is the catch of the season. At Loblaws" Here are some of the prices:

  1. White bread: 2-1lb, 2oz loafs for $0.15
  2. Bananas: 5 lbs for $0.25 (sure beats the $0.59/lb I paid earlier in the week)
  3. Beef roast: $0.17/pound
  4. Del Monte coffee: $0.19/pound (I wonder if this coffee will ever be served at CFC's canteen?)

Now these are bargains that seem too good to be true. They are since they were advertised in a 1940 paper that I saw at the 1844 House restrauant tonight. Check the ladies room out if you every dine at this establishment and you'll find lots of interesting information from the 1940's. The information is contained in newspapers that serve as wallpaper in the ladies room. I wonder what wallpaper is in the men's room?

Monday, March 26, 2007

Snapshot of my Life for the Past Month

Wow, I can't believe that my last post was on March 5. Here is a summary of what I've been up to since then.

  1. My mom became ill on March 8. She wasn't aware, but she had gallstones and was hospitalized for a week. She had her gallbladder removed on March 14 and then came home with me the next day. She is still staying with me for RR. She has a Dr's appointment on April 3 and I'm sure that she will receive a good report. Until then, she is enjoying her time at the cabin with me and my cats. I love having her around and will miss her when she goes.
  2. In between driving back and forth to the hospital and going to work, I got my first head cold since last year. I took advantage of having mom around the house and asked her if she would make me her secret cold remedy that she used to give to me as kid. She did and I was back in action two days later. Thanks mom.
  3. I'm also preparing for my cross country drive to California. I'll be leaving next Wednesday and driving across the country with two friends that are moving there. I'm looking forward to the trip, but will miss my two friends when I return from California on April 10.
  4. I've been watching the ice melt from the rivers in anticipation of the upcoming kayaking season. I can't wait to get back out paddling. I bought a wet suit this past fall and I'm sure I'll try it out when I return from California.
  5. I've been coaching a girls basketball team. The team is part of the Upward Basketball program that is held at church. This is the third year that I've coached and I experience great enjoyment working with the girls. We have our last practice tomorrow night with our last game on Saturday.

These are the things that have occuppied my life for the past month. I hope to be able to post more often now and especially as I travel across the country next week.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Travel Plans

Some good friends of mine got a job in the LA area and I will be helping them move from NY to CA.

This means that I'll be making a road trip next month. It will be the longest road trip that I've been on since we'll be driving from NY to CA. We estimate that it can be done in 3 days; I'll keep you posted as to how we do.

I don't mind driving cross country and am looking forward to it. I will get to see my sister and brother too as we make our journey west. We are planning on spending one night with my sister; she lives in Albuquerque, NM. My brother, who lives in the LA area, is helping my friends find an apartment. My brother and his wife have had dinner with my friends when they were in the LA area interviewing for the job.

After arriving and staying a few days, I'll be flying back to NY.

I will miss my dear friends when I return to NY, but I'm happy for them that they found a job and I know that they will enjoy living in southern CA.