Thursday, May 29, 2008

Life at the Pink House

It is official - I'm living in the pink house.

I guess when you cook your first meal, do 4 loads of laundry, sweep the floors, vacuum, and do dishes, you can say that I'm officially living at the pink house.

I am getting more settled. It was a relief to get all the boxes unpacked and organize everything. I've included a few pictures. Hope you enjoy them.

Front of house - porch is a great place to have afternoon coffee.

View from side of porch.
More views of porch - I like the sliding rocker.

Cooking my first meal.

Getting ready to eat my first meal. Did you notice the pink candles and pink house napkins? Thanks Sarah for the special touch.

Shadow and Angel at top of stairs. They need a good home for anyone who is interested.

Kitchen - I love it.

Living room - nice and big.

Do you recognize the person standing? I think it is the pink house lady.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Have you ever experienced a season in your life where you're living "in-between" seasons? This is where I am right now.

I moved all of my belongings out of my cabin yesterday and into a 5 bedroom house that I'm renting for the months of June/July. I spent my first night there last night with my two cats, Shadow and Angel. We all are getting used to our new surroundings that we'll call home for the next few months.

This move was necessary in preparation for the next season that God is calling me to. It is one that I was not expecting and looking for. But, I am obedient to follow the leading of God as He is leading me into this new season. Don't misunderstand me...I am excited to be entering the new season that is awaiting me. I know that the new season will allow me to fulfill some life long dreams and that excites me. It is just a challenge to be in-between the season of yesterday and the season of tomorrow. I can look behind me and remember all the wonderful experiences of my life for the past 11 years, the relationships that I've formed, and what the Lord has done. I can only look ahead and dream about what God has in store for me in the future.

You see, I'm living "in-between." As one friend described it to me earlier in the week: I'm doing splits, one foot here and one foot there. The "here" has moved farther away and the "there" has not moved closer. I'm not sure how to exactly live in-between the two seasons, but I know that doing splits requires balance so as not to get stretched too far to the left or right. Balance, my favorite word. I always try to live my life in balance. I can rest in the Lord's presence and pray that He helps me remain balanced in this "in-between" season.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

News Worth Reporting

I was scanning the news headlines when I came across this. What an amazing story of God's healing power!!

Moving Weekend

One word sums up my planned holiday weekend activities: moving. Yes, that is right. I'm moving out of my log cabin into a 5-bedroom house; I might add that the house is painted pink. I seem to be into pink these days. I have a pink coffee mug, pink wallet, and lots of pink clothing. Sorry for the bunny trail. Back to moving.

Many of you know that I sold my log cabin in February. The closing date is next Friday, May 30. I've been sorting, packing, and tossing since January. I am renting an apartment in the 5-bedroom pink house for June & July. Check back later in a few days since I'll post some pictures of my living space.

I'm glad that all of this is coming to a close since it has been a long road. I am weary from all of these activities and am looking forward to my new living arrangements where I don't have the responsibilities of being an homeowner. I'm also looking forward to spending my summer doing things that bring me the most pleasure.

This is a new season of my life that I'm entering. Although the change is exciting, it is also bittersweet at the same time. I've spent 11 years living at the log cabin and have loved it. I've grown so much in the Lord during this time and have shed many tears at this place as I allowed God to touch me and heal me. But as one prophet spoke many years ago to me: "The book on yesterday is can let the yesterdays go and begin to float upon the ocean of His grace." So as I move this weekend, I'm closing the book on yesterday and moving to float upon the ocean of His grace as I continue to walk out His plans and purposes for my life.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

What's In Your Driveway?

Ever imagine coming home and finding something in your driveway that you weren't expecting? This happened to me today.

I called a local hauler yesterday to schedule delivery of a roll-off bin to my house. You're probably thinking that I've really gone overboard now with my fondness of anything that relates to garbage. Don't worry, though. I truly have a need for a roll-off bin since I need to be out of my house by the end of the month. Anyways, back to my original story. The gentleman on the other end of the line indicated that they wouldn't be able to get one to my house until next week. The reason: graduation weekend at one of the local colleges. Yes, those college students are sorting, packing, and tossing out just like me. How unfortunate since I was planning on filling my bin this weekend. Upon receiving this news from the hauler, I began to rearrange my "to do list" in my head to accommodate the delivery delay. The hauler said that they would call me if they could get there earlier, but it didn't sound too promising.

"What is that big ugly green thing in my driveway?", I thought when I got home this afternoon. "Oh, yes, I recognize a roll-off bin anywhere." You guessed it, the big ugly green thing was delivered sometime today. I sometimes wonder why they have to be so ugly. After all, they just need a new coat of paint every year. I certainly would have our containers painted if we use roll-off containers at the Tribe. I have this pet peeve: just because I work in garbage doesn't mean my workers or equipment have to look like they work in garbage. We need to portray a positive and professional image.

Oh, well, I'm happy to my roll-off container in the driveway. I can now rearrange my "to do list" back to the original plan. I guess you know what I'll be doing this weekend: filling up my roll-off container of unwanted junk. How fun. If you're board, stop by and join in the fun.