Monday, May 26, 2008


Have you ever experienced a season in your life where you're living "in-between" seasons? This is where I am right now.

I moved all of my belongings out of my cabin yesterday and into a 5 bedroom house that I'm renting for the months of June/July. I spent my first night there last night with my two cats, Shadow and Angel. We all are getting used to our new surroundings that we'll call home for the next few months.

This move was necessary in preparation for the next season that God is calling me to. It is one that I was not expecting and looking for. But, I am obedient to follow the leading of God as He is leading me into this new season. Don't misunderstand me...I am excited to be entering the new season that is awaiting me. I know that the new season will allow me to fulfill some life long dreams and that excites me. It is just a challenge to be in-between the season of yesterday and the season of tomorrow. I can look behind me and remember all the wonderful experiences of my life for the past 11 years, the relationships that I've formed, and what the Lord has done. I can only look ahead and dream about what God has in store for me in the future.

You see, I'm living "in-between." As one friend described it to me earlier in the week: I'm doing splits, one foot here and one foot there. The "here" has moved farther away and the "there" has not moved closer. I'm not sure how to exactly live in-between the two seasons, but I know that doing splits requires balance so as not to get stretched too far to the left or right. Balance, my favorite word. I always try to live my life in balance. I can rest in the Lord's presence and pray that He helps me remain balanced in this "in-between" season.


connielafaver said...

I have always admired you for your balance, truly you have been a good example of that to me and I am sure many others. I have enjoyed the many times we have spend together and I would be lying if I said I won't miss those times. I truly will. You have been a great friend. I don't know what this looks like as far as our friendship, but I will always consider you a close friend and some serious times of my growth with the Lord. I am sure you will do fine in this transition time. I am glad you have your cats to keep you company. I am sure you will miss them too. They too will miss you Laura. You've
had them for a long time...
In between this time of you having one foot here and one foot there you will find a purpose in your two months period, I am sure~~
That is just the way you are. I won't expect any less from you know~~~ haha
Well take care my good friend!!!


Selah said...

"When the earth totters, and all its inhabitants, it is I who keep steady its pillars." Ps. 75:3
Two things came to mind...the first is the verse above. The 2nd was a childhood memory of Olive on the Popie show. She had one foot on one mountain, and the other on another.
There she hung, over the canyon below. Her savior showed up just in time with His spinach. Your Savior is exceedingly more reliable.!

Anonymous said...

I am sure that what God will show you in these next couple of months with be rainbow-hued and just as magnificent as that. He loves opening our eyes at the most unique times to His beauty and special blessings.They are like little tucked away treasures.
Our God is not a God of small things (and yet He often uses small things). He plants lessons and tidbits and wonders at every turn.
For example, the small cabinet that I received from you draws my hand every single time I pass it.
It has been a reminder over and over of my long-deceased grandfather (father's father),who always kept sweet treats for the grandchildren in the top drawer.
I have memories of standing next to his small cabinet running my, probably quite dirty, little hand over the cool, smooth surface waiting patiently while he played his harmonica. He was quite a character...and he loved me.
This sounds like an odd memory about God's goodness, but it has propelled me into an understanding of the importance of history and keeping memories alive.It has shown me that somewhere in my childhood, I was special to someone. God is so good like that. Just when I needed it too!!!!
I thank you, friend, for allowing this to grace my home.
Hey, now you are within walking distance of Scoops!!!