Saturday, July 21, 2007

Coffee Break Devotions-latte

I recently picked up a book entitled "Coffee Break Devotions-latte" I couldn't resist this book since I'm always taking coffee breaks and spending time with God. Of course, the book grabbed my attention and I couldn't wait to pop open the cover and begin having my "coffee devotion" time with the Lord.

The scripture for the first devotion is Isaiah 65:24: Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I hear. The first devotion is titled "No Waiting."

No Waiting
When we've made a telephone call, many of us have had to punch our way through the maze of unfathomable pathways, only to be put on hold while listening to an inane repeating message. What if it were like this to reach God?
We might hear something like this:
Thank you for calling Heaven. Listen carefully-our options may have changed.
Press 1 for requests.
Press 2 for thanks.
Press 3 for questions of faith.
For all other matters, press 4.
Next you might hear:
I'm sorry, but God is busy helping other people. Your call is important to us, so please stay on the line. Your call will be answered in the order it was received. Estimated wait time: two hours and twenty minutes.
Most of us would hang up in utter frustration, but those facing crisis might hang on. Thankfully, we don't have to endure telephone bureaucracy in order to reach God. Yet some of us approach God as if we do. The truth is, God is ready to hear you-anytime, anyplace, regardless of the frame of mind you happen to be in. Talk to Him. It's easier than picking up the phone and much less aggravating. God is waiting to take your call, no waiting required.
I'm so thankful that God is waiting to take my call and that He is available 24/7. I know that there have been times in my life where I needed to talk to someone and because of either the time of day or other circumstances, God was the only one available. In retrospect, these were the toughest times of my life, but God was there and saw me through them no matter what. I think He orchestrated for no one to be available so that I would be totally dependent upon Him. I'm thankful for this because my faith increased and my relationship with God is much deeper now.

1 comment:

thisrequiresthought said...

I'm thankful for a direct line, too!
We sure enjoyed a great paddle today, didn't we?