Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Here is another story from my Coffee Break Devotions: Latte book. I hope you find it funny as I did.

Bill received his copy of the newsletter at the office. The mail room had sent out eight hundred thousand, and Bill was feeling good about it. He had only been at the pharmaceutical company for a month, and the newsletter was his first big assignment. As he looked at the front page, he broke into a cold sweat. The headline was to read, "A Letter from Our President, Don T. Hinkle." Instead the CEO's name read "Tinkle"-the H being mistyped as a T. And the subject of Mr. "Tinkle's" letter? A break-through medication to aid in bladder control.

Bill knew he had to tell his boss but was especially apprehensive since he was new to the job. The boss was also responsible for proofreading the newsletter, but ultimately it was Bill's responsibility. He approached his boss, handed him the newsletter, then braced for the fallout.

The boss pondered the error. Then he looked up at Bill and began to laugh. "Guess we both missed that one," he said. "I'll apologize to Mr. Tinkle."

"I'm really sorry about this," Bill said.

"Hey, mistakes happen; I should have caught it too," his boss said. "I'm sure we'll both be more careful next time.

The point of the story is to admit mistakes, forgive mistakes, and then move on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was funny-a cold sweat could honestly be felt upon reading this even-and the topic of all things-tinkle and bladder.funny post-I enjoy the diversity of your posts.