Tuesday, October 07, 2008


As I spent the past month in NY working, many people greeted me with "welcome home". With every greeting, I found myself asking am I home? My answer was a resounding no!

One of Webster's definitions for home is:

a familiar or usual setting : congenial environment ; also : the focus of one's domestic attention
Yes, home is where the heart is. As I spent the past month in NY, one thing that was confirmed to me is that my heart is in Texas now. This is the place for the focus of my domestic attention and for me to walk out this season of life that God has me in. Yes, there are things that I miss about my previous home (northern NY), but I know in my heart that Grapevine is my home now.

As Sue took me back to my apartment Sunday night, she said "welcome home, Laura." Yes, I am home and am happy to be here.

1 comment:

thisrequiresthought said...

at least we know our final destination will be home in heaven!

we are merely "tramps for the Lord" until then, I guess!

miss ya!