Friday, January 18, 2008

Tag - I'm It

Too my surprise, I was tagged by Darlene to share 7 random facts about me. Here they are:

  1. I like driving garbage trucks...the bigger the better;
  2. I was the first woman to appear on Bill (Senior) Saiff's Rod & Reel show;
  3. I eat six times per day and still lose weight sometimes;
  4. I like adventure and especially road trips...just ask Nancy;
  5. I was a student pilot while I was in college. I flew a single engine Cessna. During my first solo flight, the nose wheel broke when I landed and the plane skidded off the runway. I survived an airplane crash - thank you Lord. I flew many more times afterwards before I decided that flying was too much like going to college;
  6. I was a bridge painter for the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority;
  7. My favorite pass time is having coffee and visiting with friends.

Here are the rules for the game:

  • Link to the person that tagged you
  • Post the rules on your blog.
  • Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
  • Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
  • Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

Here are my tagged people: Nancy, Lore, Michele, Tonya, Nancy C., Connie, and Sue.


Darlene Sinclair said...

Thanks for playing! I think it's fun once in awhile to just take a peek into someone's world. A few random thoughts can do that!

Anonymous said...

Fun to read! We all have interesting tales.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Laura. It was fun to read and get to know a little more about people we thought we already knew so much about.

Love you,