God answered questions 1-3 for me on Wednesday morning when I was driving to work. With tears flowing my face, the Lord gently said "I am the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8 tells me this. The circumstance that my friend's family is in doesn't change the fact that God still heals, He sees their pain and anguish, and He will help them to walk through it and live victoriously. He is the same today as He was yesterday and He doesn't change regardless of the circumstances that they are in.
The why question is something I ask when I find myself in tough situations. It is natural to want to know why things happen in life when they make absolutely no sense to me. I have found, though, that very rarely does God answer the why question. And if I proceed to continue asking why, I often end up on what I call the "why road". The why road has no end and is filled with agitation and frustration for the lack of answers. When I find myself walking down the why road like I did earlier this week, I have to remind myself of Proverbs 3:5-6:
5Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
6In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
6In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
I don't know why the family has to go through this trial of brain cancer, but I do know that God is the same today, yesterday, and forever. God will be with them, comfort them, and give them strength to walk through this trial.
Amen Laura, Amen!!!
When I begin to hear why...I try to remind myself of "Who" He is...the whys silently bow. Thank you so much for your prayers.
I am sad that your heart is so sad, and that is right and true. If not for such a sad heart not only about a friend and a friend's daughter, houw else could you feel, even in our own finite way of love compared to The Father's love, that The Father grieves for His child at this time. Then I think of "Hope", only a four-letter word, but so powerful, and I thank Jesus.
I too, ask why, even though I know I should not, as He is God Almighty, and only He knows why today this is happening to Charissa and all those who love her, care for her and pray for her. I think, too, of Liz's husband, Christian, a young man who loved the Lord, loved people and served his country and shared the gospel....why did he die so tragically with a young wife who loves the Lord with all her heart....I did go down that road then and was reminded He is God, and we will know when we meet with Him. Sometimes I don't like freedom of choice, others choices that can change our world, or any of the other thoughts that flit through my mind, but His promise is healing, and I thank God for His hope we have in Him. He is God almight who lives inside me, and He has given us the prayer to hope and believe and trust in Him. I am thanking Him that through all that happens that we come closer to understanding and loving Him more and who we are in Him everyday. I am believing for totaly healing, as you are, but those questions linger lighter than yesterday, but they linger.
I stand with Charrisa, Sue, Paul, David and the children and those who love Charissa and those who love all of the family and I stand with you, Laura, as you walk beside her, and I understand that it is hard you being here and your not being able right now to be there, but perhaps your prayers here and what it is you need to do at this time, here, now, will prepare a way in some way that only God knows for the time when you return to your home. God bless you as I pray for your time here and that it be joyous and that would go beyond understanding, but you are formulating more here now than ever before. Always your friend, B.
I met you at Catskill Mountain Christian Center the last time you were there with Susan. I heard from the Lord and had a message for Susan.
I was very sad to hear about her daughter. I have been praying for her and will continue to do so.
My e-mail is ashmanr98@yahoo.com. Please keep me posted if you can while I believe God for a miracle.
Many Blessings,
We are all praying...and grief is a natural response. BUT GOD...BUT GOD...His mercies are new every morning!
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