Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Reflection of Jesus

When I fly, I like to watch people in the airport and on the airplane. Sometimes I will even strike up a conversation with people if I observe that we have something in common. Otherwise, I sleep most of the time on the planes.

I flew to NY on Sunday for three weeks of working from my main office. I boarded my flight to Syracuse and found my aisle seat. I didn't buckle my seat belt since I surmised from my observations that the plane would be full and that someone would be sitting next to me. Sure enough, a young lad came and pointed to the seat next to me. I couldn't help notice the young lad's book as I arose to let him to his seat. The title of the book "Christ is Lord." I thought "seems like something in common with me" and began to strategize how to strike up a conversation with him. I then noticed that he was checking football scores on his handheld computer. After all it was Sunday and my Giants were playing the Cowboys...I needed to know how my team was doing. I inquired and this was the inroad for me to ask him about his book. We began to talk about the book and our lives.

I found out that he is a soldier and was heading back to Fort Drum after being on leave. He was flying back from Louisiana where his wife and the rest of his family live. He has been to Afghanistan twice and will head back there in January.

What impressed me about this young lad was his willingness to humbly serve his country for a greater cause of freedom for our Nation, even until death. I was struck by his confident soft spoken voice, his humbleness, and his willingness to die so that I and others could live our lives in freedom. In a sense, he was a reflection of what Jesus has done: humbly served until death so that I may be free of the devil's clutches and live in freedom. I am thankful for Jesus and thankful for soldiers who are willing to die for my freedom.

After picking up my luggage in the baggage claim area, I made a point to find the soldier. I shook his hand, thanked him for serving his country, and told him that I would pray for him. With humbleness, he smiled and thanked me.

The soldier's name is Matt. Please keep him and the rest or our soldiers in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Laura. Excellent trash...Keep it up and you'll have to change that "trashbit" thing. Miss you

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful blog, Laura. It was touching to the heart, and as you go through in traveling, you certainly have been given the opportunity to learn about people, to share your lives together and to find out many different things and to share the gospel and to bless someone as you were blessed. Traveling as you have has opened many doors in many ways. This story should be written to share in a bigger way than just on a blog. Perhaps even a newspaper, Laura. Matt serving our country in such a humble way as He serves the Lord first and foremost and sacrifices his life as it was sacrificed for him. Great read that blessed