Thursday, October 19, 2006

Before & After

Wow!! The change in my appearance didn't really hit me until I received some of the photos from the photo shoot.

I have much to share about the photo shoot, but I've been on the run ever since yesterday. I'm hoping to post sometime on Sunday since I'll be traveling again; I find that I have more time to write when I'm traveling. So until then, enjoy the pictures.

The picture at the bottom was taken Christmas Eve 2005. This was a week before I started eating according to the principles in the Fire Up Your Metabolism book.


Darlene Sinclair said...

Very exciting -- great photos! What fun!

As for the Titus 2 thoughts for single women. The principle implied here is to be busy doing the thing that God has called primary -- serving the house to which you are submitted. For single girls that may either mean their natural father's home or ministry or it may mean their spiritual house:i.e. their local church. I find that if we are not busy serving someone's Godly vision, we can become sidetracked or distracted. So for a single woman, it means keeping busy in serving the vision which they are supporting.

Those are some thoughts!

thisrequiresthought said...

dear svelte and stylish lady:

CONGRATULATIONS on your success.
I am as proud of the "inside" of you as the "outside".

Linda said...

Congratulations, you look great!
I have not seen you since we left the north country. From your blog it sounds like things are going well for you.

Linda said...

There is definitely room in the driveway and I am quite certain we will be able to work something out.
As for being a blogger, yes, Josh and Jackie set up the blog for me last year at Christmas so I could keep up with things in the north country as well as talking about my grandchildren. (name of my blog was my choice, not theirs)

sam said...

I like the new hair style. I think it is new since I saw you last. The photos look great. What fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great photos. We are all so proud of you! You glow with the love of Christ! You go girl!!!
Jude :-)