Friday, October 06, 2006

Interview With Woman's World Magazine

I received an email yesterday from the nutrition twins inviting me to be interviewed by Woman's World Magazine; see here. One of the editors of the magazine contacted the nutrition twins and wanted names of ladies who were successful in following their Fire Up Metabolism eating plan. The nutrition twins submitted four names to them and I was one of them.

One of the writers for the magazine interviewed me today via the telephone. They were particularly interested in knowing how snacking in between meals helped me to loose weight. My answer: snacking gives me freedom to eat more food without feeling guilty and I don't get hungry in between meals. I realize now that snacking is a normal part of my daily routine and I rather enjoy it.

I'm not sure if they will publish my article. I'll keep you posted if they do and let you know what issue it is in.

Speaking of is time for me to have my evening snack. Off I go to enjoy my yogurt, cheerios, and fruit. Chow!

1 comment:

르네 said...

wow - so you're famous now? =)