Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Have you ever felt like your life was riding on a whirlwind? This is how I've been feeling since last week.

I can't believe that a week has passed since I had the photo shoot at my house. I haven't really had time to process it all. I can only say "Wow!!" I sometimes pinch myself to see if it is true...I'm going to appear in a National Magazine.

I am truly humbled and honored to have this opportunity to share my story about my weight loss journey. It is certainly a journey and one that is not over. Although I don't need to loose anymore weight, I am on a journey to maintain my goal weight that I reached in the middle of May. I am 42 pounds lighter than I was in January 2006 and I intend to stay at my goal weight.

Since the photo shoot, I've been on the local radio station that broadcasts from the Reservation and traveled to Rochester. The radio station broadcast was a special live promotion that we did at the transfer station on Saturday. After this, I hopped in my car and headed south to spend Saturday night with friends. On Sunday afternoon, I continued my journey to Rochester where I crashed at my luxurious room at the Radisson; it was nice getting off the whirlwind for few hours.

The reason I traveled to Rochester was to attend training that taught me how to work with people. I sure did learn a lot. After a quick trip to Wegmans (I wish the North Country had a Wegmans) I headed north and arrived at friends in time to watch the Giants beat up on the Cowboys on Monday night football; I'm a die hard Giant fan in case you didn't know.

I'm back home now and getting back into my routine. Speaking of routine, I need to sign off and head off to the financial class that I'm taking at church.

See you later.

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