Friday, March 21, 2008

Signs of Spring

Believe or not, I did see signs of spring yesterday. This in spite of the fact that I still have snowbanks that are taller than me outside my house.

The first sign was a flock of robins bathing themselves in the melting puddles of snow in my driveway. My cats were going frantic dashing from window to window. This caught my attention and I went to look outside. I have never seen so many robins gathered together in one spot. Usually, they are loners and are by themselves. I dare say there were probably 15 robins in one puddle. They were having a grand time of splashy themselves and others around.

Later on the day I was on my way to Canton when I saw a flock of geese flying high in the sky. And yes, they were flying North. A sure sign of spring!!

Another sign of spring is that the thermometer for the past few days has been above 32. This means that all that white stuff is slowly melting away and I'll soon be able to see my green grass that sits below the white stuff.

Keep coming spring, because you can't come fast enough as far I as I am concerned.


Jackie | One Redeemed Mom said...

Sorry about the email confusion!! I had to change it not long ago due to all the spam I was receiving.

My new one is

Anonymous said...

Ain't it grand???!!!!!