Sunday, March 09, 2008

Winter Wonderland

I awoke this morning not knowing exactly what I would find outside. NNY got hit with a huge storm that began Friday night and continued until this morning.

Although I am tired of the long winter that we've had, I must admit that there is something beautiful about the fresh undisturbed snow that surrounds my house. When I stepped out (in my PJ's mind you) this morning to snap some pictures, I was awe struck by the still silence that surrounded me and the freshness of the white stuff. I really didn't want to walk on any of it because it was beautiful. I truly experienced one of those "God moments" where I just stood experiencing one of His beautiful creations - snow.

As you can see, I have much snow around my house. I just hope it all melts by mother's day weekend since I'll have a friend from the south coming to visit and I don't think she would appreciate all the snow.

Looking at my side yard

Front of my house

My front steps are somewhere below the snow


thisrequiresthought said...

missed seeing you in church today-
but I guess you had a good excuse!

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful, isn't it? I took some photos Fri. night. I stood briefly on our porch "listening" to the snow falling, drinking in the beauty of the heavily garnished tree branches, and enjoying the juxtaposition of white against a dark sky.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that does look so lovely... It is a winter wonderland isn't it... Miss Ya Much Laura... Hey did you shovel your own self out? hahahaha

Anonymous said...

that is a great picture - you have shoveled those steps many times - but.....your times for shoveling them become less and less - it is a beautiful wonderfland around your cabin - lots of memories - all kinds -