Sunday, July 30, 2006

What Enemies Are You Facing?

Psalm 18 is written by David after God delivered him from all of his enemies. In David's case, his enemies were other humans, but the Psalm can also be applied to other forms of enemies. What are some of these other enemies?

One for sure is the devil. John 10:10 states "the thief comes but to steal, kill, and destory, but I (Jesus) have come to give you life and life more abundantly." The devil doesn't want us to live the abundant life that Christ died to give us. The devil works overtime to keep us from this abundant life through two other forms of enemies: (1) Sin and (2) Thoughts and feelings.

Sin can separate us from God for eternity if we don't confess our sins and ask God to forgive us.

Our thoughts and feelings are perhaps more subtle forms of the enemy. Our thoughts can shape how we feel about certain things and ultimately shape what we believe. If our thoughts go contrary to God's Word, then they have the power to draw us away from God and keep us from enjoying the abundant life that Christ died to give us. The devil can also use our thoughts to deceive us into feeling and believing certain things about ourselves that leads us away from God.

No matter what enemy we face, Psalm 18 provides insight to have God deliver us from them. Verses 2 & 30 tell us to that God is our strength and shield provided that we trust Him. Verses 32 and 38 indicate that God arms us with strength for the battle. Verse 37 tells us to pursue our enemies and don't turn back till they are destroyed.

In summary, trusting God gives us a shield and strength for the battle that we must pursue to have victory over our enemies.

Pursuing our enemies means that we have an active part in determining whether or not we are delivered from them. Pursuing means that we must stand ready with the sword of the Spirit (Word of God) when the devil comes to entice us into sin or influence our thoughts and feelings about ourselves. All that we do, think, feel, or believe must be compared to the Word to determine whether it is an enemny that intends to harm us. If enemnies have been discovered, then we boot them out with the Word of God and we can experience God's delivering power that David did.

God will deliver you from all your enemies no matter what you are facing today. Put your trust in God, He'll give you strength & a shield for the battle to pursue your enemies and experience God's delivering power.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Summer Fun

I've been enjoying the summer. Here is some of what I've been doing.

I have a new past time - kayaking. I got my kayak last weekend. I'm truly enjoying it and love being out on the water. I'm amazed at all of God's creation that I get to enjoy as I paddle across the waterways of NNY. Just today, I was able to get within 50 feet of a Blue Heron as it was searching for its next meal. I also got an up close view of a painted turtle in the water since I paddled right over it.

A Sunday morning kayaking trip with my friend Theresa. How do you like my paddle, Theresa?

Teaching some of my good friends all that my dad taught me about fishing.

A night of watching friends tubing on Norwood lake. Oh, by the way Ben, you can let go of the boat.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

A Day With My Best Friend

Early last week I decided that I would drive to Old Forge to purchase a kayak. I didn't want to go alone and began to think about who I could invite. I thought "I'll ask my best friend to go and spend the whole day with me." I was fortunate that my best friend didn't have anything scheduled and would love to go.

My best friend met me as I woke up on Saturday morning. We had breakfast and coffee together; it was the beginning of a great day!

We then went to a meeting at 9am. During the meeting, my best friend began to show me that there are some things in my life that are hindering our relationship. I may not have liked what I was hearing, but I knew the things that were shared were true. My best friend was gentle in sharing and I truly felt loved during the whole time. I'm so thankful for this.

At 10am, my best friend and I hopped in the car and we began the journey to Old Forge. "Oops" , I said to my best friend, "did I tell you that I was going to Watertown first?" My best friend didn't mind and said lets go. We were on our way.

As I drove, I pondered what my best friend shared with me about our relationship. Tears began to roll down my face and I could feel the volcanic eruption beginning inside of me. I pulled the car over and the weeping began. As I weeped, my best friend held and comforted me. My best friend began to speak to me through the lyrics of the following song that was playing on my CD player:

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You're
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours

Who Am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who Am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me
I am Yours

Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours

Written by Mark Hal
Music by Casting Crowns
Song based on Psalms 52 and 139 and Ephesians 2
© 2003 Club Zoo Music / SWEC Music
(Admin. by Club Zoo Music) / BMI.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

My best friend: cares to feel my hurt; hears me when I call; catches me when I fall; looks at me with love in spite of my sin; and calms the storm that rages inside of me. The journey continued after all the weeping was over.

During the rest of the trip, my best friend kept showing me how loved and accepted I am. I didn't have to worry about being perfect; I just needed to be who I am - a child of God.

We arrived home around 10:20 pm when my best friend said to me "Go to bed, Laura. I'll stay with you through the night and be here in the morning when you awake."

You have probably gathered that my best friend is Jesus. I am so blessed to have Him as my best friend and I look forward to spending many more days with Him.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Washington, DC Attorneys & Hourly Rates

Today I received a bill from an attorneys office that is located in Washington, DC. The bill was suppose to be sent to the St. Regis Hotel, which is located in DC, but came to me under the name of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe.

The amazing part of the bill was the hourly rate for the attorney. Can you guess what it was? How about $470 per hour.

This is truly amazing that an attorney can make that much per hour. Lets see ... that is $18,800 per week for a 40 hour work week. I can't even imagine making that much money in one week. Perhaps I should think about switching careers. I always said that I would make a good attorney. What do you think?

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Enjoying the Weekend

At last, the weekend is here. My plans for the weekend include traveling with friends to Purchase, NY. The reason for the travel is to take my friend's daughter to a music camp; she will be spending a week there.

We will be making a stop near Lake George where we will spend the afternoon relaxing and swimming - this is what weekends are for. We'll spend the night at my friend's family resort and then travel to Purchase tomorrow. On the way home, we intend to stop and shop along the way.

I'm sure that I'll drink plenty of coffee during the trip too.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Coffee Time With God

Ok, you all know that I love to fellowship with a cup of coffee in hand since drinking coffee and having good conversations with friends is one of my favorite past times.

Last week God encouraged me to get a cup of coffee and hang out with Him. Until then, I had never thought about having a cup of coffee while hanging out with God. What a great idea!!

I followed the leading of the Holy Spirit, grabbed a cup of Gulliver's hazelnut coffee (one of my favorites), and found a spot near the Racquette River. I was truly amazed how the Lord began speaking to me about various things as sat with coffee in hand. The rushing waters of the Racquette River also soothed my soul and brought me the peace of God, which I so desparately needed on this day. I truly enjoyed drinking my coffee and being with God.

Since last week, I've gone back to the same place with coffee in hand to have a personal time with God. Just yesterday, the Lord led me to Psalm 23:2:

....He leads me beside waters of rest. He restores my soul.
Sitting beside the Racquette River allows me to find a place of rest, be at at peace with God, and my soul gets refreshed and restored as I spend time with the Lord and drink my coffee.
Thank you, Lord, for inviting me to have a cup of coffee and hanging out with You. I'm am truly blessed.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Today's Struggles Are Tomorrow's Successes

Last night I watched TD Jakes' message entitled "Nothing Just Happens." This was a powerful message about understanding that God has a plan and purpose for us and that nothing just happens. God uses all things, good and bad, to work His purposes out in our lives.

In the message, TD Jakes shared two points that really helped me to reframe some of my thinking about struggles that I encounter:

  1. Yesterday's struggles are today's successes
  2. Today's struggles are tomorrow's successes

As I ponder these two points, I can clearly see how my yesterday's struggles have contributed to the successes that I enjoy today. This brings me hope that the struggles I go through today will become my successes tomorrow.

I may not fully understand the reasons why I go through struggles, but it doesn't matter since I trust God that He will work them together for my good (Rm 8:28) and the struggles will become my successes in the future.