Sunday, July 02, 2006

Today's Struggles Are Tomorrow's Successes

Last night I watched TD Jakes' message entitled "Nothing Just Happens." This was a powerful message about understanding that God has a plan and purpose for us and that nothing just happens. God uses all things, good and bad, to work His purposes out in our lives.

In the message, TD Jakes shared two points that really helped me to reframe some of my thinking about struggles that I encounter:

  1. Yesterday's struggles are today's successes
  2. Today's struggles are tomorrow's successes

As I ponder these two points, I can clearly see how my yesterday's struggles have contributed to the successes that I enjoy today. This brings me hope that the struggles I go through today will become my successes tomorrow.

I may not fully understand the reasons why I go through struggles, but it doesn't matter since I trust God that He will work them together for my good (Rm 8:28) and the struggles will become my successes in the future.


thisrequiresthought said...

I'm standing with you on that one!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this with us, Laura!