Sunday, July 23, 2006

Summer Fun

I've been enjoying the summer. Here is some of what I've been doing.

I have a new past time - kayaking. I got my kayak last weekend. I'm truly enjoying it and love being out on the water. I'm amazed at all of God's creation that I get to enjoy as I paddle across the waterways of NNY. Just today, I was able to get within 50 feet of a Blue Heron as it was searching for its next meal. I also got an up close view of a painted turtle in the water since I paddled right over it.

A Sunday morning kayaking trip with my friend Theresa. How do you like my paddle, Theresa?

Teaching some of my good friends all that my dad taught me about fishing.

A night of watching friends tubing on Norwood lake. Oh, by the way Ben, you can let go of the boat.

1 comment:

thisrequiresthought said...

summer is the time for water-fun!
you look good in that kayak....