Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's Official - I'm Going To Texas

For months, I've been walking, step by step, as the Lord leads me to relocate to Texas. With each step, I've just continued walking by faith and believing that the day would arrive when I'll hop in my Hybrid car and make the drive south. The day is almost here and I'm so excited!!

My friend, Selah, will be flying to NY tomorrow. I'm picking her up and then we'll spend time with my family on Friday night and part of the day on Saturday. We'll travel back to Potsdam Saturday afternoon and arrive just in time for a going away party, which will be hosted by the Hulls. We'll then spend the night in the pink house, which I've called home since the beginning of June. Sunday morning will be busy loading the car and getting to church by 10 AM. We will begin our journey south right after church. We anticipate arriving in Texas on August 7 or 8 since we will be making several stops along the way.

The reason that I'm relocating to Texas is because the Lord has called me to serve in Selah's ministry called Arising to Excellence Ministries. I will also continue with my current job since my employer has granted me teleworker status, which means I work for them, but just from my location in Texas. Because of this arrangement, I will travel back to NY every other month.

It is hard for me to find words to describe what I'm feeling as this new season of my life approaches. I'm in awe in how God has brought everything together with every step that I've taken. But only God, could arrange all of this. The level of excitement is almost too much for me to contain, especially when the Tribal Administrator handed me the signed teleworker agreement this morning and said "We value you, Laura, and good luck." I wanted to cry and jump up and down at the same time. Oh, how good you are to me Lord!!

I'm not sure when I'll get to post again since my Internet is being disconnected at the house today. If I can, I'll post as Selah and I travel to Texas.


thisrequiresthought said...


connielafaver said...

I am so happy for you Laura. I will miss you a bunch. I am glad for you as the next season of your life unfolds~~~
