Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Travel Update

Sue and I have traveled through NY, PA, WVA, and we are now in VA. We arrived at my friend's house, the Story's, about an hour ago. It is great to see them and be here enjoying their company.

We will be here until about 12 PM tomorrow and then head to Johnson City, TN, which is about a 3 hour drive. We will be spending time with Sue's friends until Thursday morning and then make our way to Texas. We anticipate arriving in TX sometime on Friday.

Sue says that I will have to spend one night at her house since she needs time to complete some last minute decorating details at my apartment. I'll be spending my first night in my new home on Saturday. I can't wait, and yes, I'll post pictures.

Our trip has had many adventures. We are finding out that my new GPS can have an attitude when we don't stay on course. We also now know that the GPS will get us to the destination that we program it to by the shortest route, even if it means we drive through dirt roads in the middle of corn fields in PA. Amazingly, the dirt roads, which some were tractor paths, had names assigned to them. It was truly an adventure getting to the PA Grand Canyon, but we made it and enjoyed the views of the canyon.

It is almost 1 AM and my eyes are slowly closing. Will post more in a few days when I have access to the Internet.


connielafaver said...


Thanks so much for the post. I love the internet and people being able to
keep us involved in their lives. I am glad that your having a great time. It is nice you are able to stop so many places along the way and visit with friends {Story's}, lucky girl. Not to mention free room and board and good cooking. What a blessing~~ Well
I am excited to see your next post. Miss You Already Laura...Be blessed my dear friend. Be Blessed!!!

Anonymous said...

how great to get up to the date reports and play by play through those famous paths - and you thought we lived in the boonies in some areas - what a taste of adventure - your GPS reminds me of Steve and his trips, and now you know it is not just the programmer - Steve needs to hear about the shortest routes - no wonder they continually were lost -I miss you already, and I look forward to those pictures - now they will be a day later, but they certainly are going to be worth it - your decorater is keeping you on your toes - always-bonnie