Monday, August 11, 2008

My New Name

On Friday, July 25, I posted a blog where I invited you all to help me solve a riddle that Sue gave me. Sue shared with me that I had a new name and that I would know it when I walked in my apartment.

It didn't take me long to figure it out once I arrived at my apartment on Saturday night. I observed the following plaque on my wall and spoon rest on my counter (I don't know if it actually a spoon rest, but I use it as one).

I have other pictures of the apartment to post, but I've been having Internet challenges all day. I actually spent my first day of teleworking setting up my computer, printer, and Internet. I still don't have the system running smoothly. Posting these two pictures was quite a challenge. I promise that I'll post the pictures as soon as I can get all the technology bugs worked out. I'm hoping that this will be tomorrow. I will say that Paul and Sue did a beautiful job and I was speechless at times as we walked through each room of the apartment. I'll share more when I post the pictures.

I've already hosted my first get together at my apartment. Paul and Sue brought me to the apartment Saturday night. They planned a surprised welcoming/birthday party for me with a few of the people that I know here. I was truly surprised and blessed by them all. We spent time praying for me, Arising to Excellence Ministries, and my new apartment.

I need to be diligent about getting to bed since I work 5:30 AM to 1:30 PM CST everyday. So, off I go.


Selah said...

Yes! It was meant to be a spoon for a queen. sb

Anonymous said...

Okay - Now we know your name is Coffee Queen. The colors are really lovely,very soothing. How surprising and fun to have your first party with friends you already know and new friends to come into your life. What a sweet thing for Susan to undertake, along with all elese she has done ( a great friend indeed who cares a lot for sure) to do to make you feel even more comfortable in your new "digs" and for you to just begin the "art" of entertaining Texas style, eh.

Now so many of us here await the rest of the pictures (sorry to hear abuot the timely downsloading it took and the patience that you have become better and better at) as we wait for more - hope you get your internet up and running for US and for you - have a great day - Bless your day. I will be gone in a little bit for most of the day and evening, but know I will be checking that blog. MS. B