There were many people who helped me with my move to Texas. My transition wouldn't have gone as smoothly as it has without all of your help. I say a BIG THANK YOU to you all.
There are two people that I want to honor in this post today. You have read about them in my previous 4 posts entitled "Welcome to My New Home - Parts 1, 2, 3, & 4. They are Paul and Susan Brown.
When I decided to move to Texas, I asked Susan if she would be my interior decorator. Interior decorating is not a gift that I have, but Susan is very gifted in this area and has much experience. I shared with Susan my heart's desire for having my new home decorated in a manner that reflected the "new me."
In the past few years, I allowed the Lord to do such a work in me that the scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:17 (Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new) became real to me. All things have become new and I am no longer the person that I used to be. I know without a doubt that one of the reasons the Lord brought to me Texas was to forever close the door on my former life, and have me walk in the newness of who I am and that God created me to be.
Both Paul and Susan spent countless hours shopping, receiving deliveries, and arranging everything in my home. They even unpacked all of my belongings that I shipped from NY and put them away. When I arrived in Texas a month ago, my new home was ready to receive me.
2 Corinthians 8 describes a call to generous giving. Paul and Susan freely gave of their time and did much more than I hoped for. Their generous giving expressed God's love to me in a very real tangible way that I had never experienced.
To Paul and Susan: Thank you for your self-sacrifice. I pray God richly blesses you in all that you do. Love, Laura.