Saturday, April 22, 2006

God Hears & Truly Understands

The recent presbytery meetings at my church reminded me of the time that I received this type of ministry.

I pulled the tape out and listened to the words that the Lord spoke to me in 2000. I was amazed at how the words are applicable for the season that God has me in today. The major things that God spoke to me are:

  1. "And I want to tell you that of your own hurts and brokeness and confusion of your life, God has come to untangle the yesterdays, to put an experince in you, that you can be a woman with a testimony that there is a God in heaven, that there is one who hears, and truly understands. You can let the yesterdays go; you can cut yourself away from the moorings and begin to float upon the ocean of His grace and of His love."
  2. "You will be a life changer because God has changed your life."
  3. "You will show people who hearts are filled with poisons of the past how to release it to the Lord and see them walk in freedom and see them walk in newness of life."

Many of you know that in January I started on a journey to get physically healthy by loosing weight. I requested the assistance from Blanche Smith who suggested that I try the a nutrition plan that was developed by the Nutrition Twins; see the following link to learn more about the Nutrition Twins: The plan allows me to eat six times per day and gives me the proper balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. To date, I've lost 31 pounds.

I started on this journey with one destination in mind: to loose weight and reach my goal weight to maintain (I have only 11 more pounds to go). Little did I know God had another destination for me to reach. It was a destination that I didn't even know I needed to head towards until God began to reveal to me that I had been holding on to some of the yesterdays. As I continue to float upon the ocean of God's grace and love allowing God to work in my life, more of the yesterdays are being untangled so that I can fulfill God's purposes in my life: to help people release past hurts so that their lives are changed and walk in freedom and newness of life.

Initially when God began to show me His destination, I resisted and didn't want to follow Him. I finally came to the place where I realized being bound up with the yesterdays hindered my walk with the Lord and I wouldn't be able to fulfill God's purposes in my life. Although there were times that I found myself saying "what about me God, I don't want to face the tangled yesterdays and all the hurt and pain", God reminded me that reaching His desitination in my life was not just about me, but about the other people that He wants me to help. If I'm bound up with the yesterdays, how can I help other people walk in freedom and newness of life?

The cells in my body are constantly dying, shedding themselves and being replaced with living ones. In a sense, this is what I've been experiencing over the past few months; shedding old dead yesterdays (feelings and thoughts) so that God can bring in new fresh life to me. In the process, God is restoring things in my life that once was lost, I'm learning to trust God more, and I'm coming to a place of more acceptance of God's love for me. I am a woman that knows there is a God in heaven who hears and truly understands how painful it is to untangled the yesterdays, but He will never abandoned me or let me go. I'm so thankful for this.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Laura...those prophetic words!! Wow! -Ann said...

What a work God has done! I am excited for you that you're planning on attending the Family Life Skills classes, as so much more will be accomplished in you, my friend. Here we go, on to new adventures!