Thursday, April 27, 2006

Morning Drive Update

I pulled out of my driveway and noticed that the road was wet. This raised some concerns with me since the temperature was hovering around 32. I slowly drove onto the road and tested to see if ice would be an issue for me this morning. I also noticed that the road surface had steam rising off it. This was an indication that the road surface was warmer than the air, which meant that the wet surface was just wet and didn't have ice on it. I was thankful for this.
I drove my usual route that I talked about in my post from yesterday. The main thing that was different from the drive this morning was fog. I encountered several areas of dense fog along the way. The fog has its own beauty and in particular when the sun shines through it. I saw several areas where for great photo opportunities, but I didn't have my camera with me. Oh, well, maybe next time.
I also saw some wildlife this morning. A mother goose carefully watching over her nest and several herd of deer. They didn't seem to mind the fog and carried on with their usual activities.
I left a little early and arrived at the transfer station on time. I've already had one customer and am waiting for more to come. I'll let you know if anything more exciting happens in my day. Have a good one.


thisrequiresthought said...

I love the quiet of the early morning.Excerpt I'm walking and you're driving!
You get to sneak up on things my way!!

thisrequiresthought said...

that's "except".....