Thursday, June 08, 2006

Life At the Transfer Station

I arrived at the transfer station about 30 minutes ago.
I wonder what the day would bring as I stepped out of my car. I never know when I spend the day at the station. The normal routine is to sit at the desk waiting for loaded trucks of garbage or recyclables to roll across the scale. I get to weigh them and buzz them to move to the designated areas so that they can unload. I then get to re-weigh them after they unload everything and take their money: "that will be $10.00 sir". If the computer is working correctly, it will tell me how much change I need to give back to them. I take their money, give them their change and receipt, and close the cash drawer. "Have a good sir" is what I say when they leave. I then sit and wait for the next customer. I sometimes can sit for hours until the next customer. During these times, I occupy myself with doing paperwork that I bring with me from my main office, if I remember to bring it with me. Often times, customers will come in like a flood and the flurry of activities causes me to swith modes.

My work at the transfer station has taught me to adapt to whatever is happening. I find myself routinely switching modes depending on the given moment. This is a challenge since I am a person of balance and like routine. I have to adapt right now since my first customer has arrived; off to weighing I go.

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