Monday, June 19, 2006

Unplanned Snack

I was able to enjoy an unplanned snack this evening. You are probably wondering how can a snack be unplanned?

I'm always planning the types and amounts of food that I eat in a day. My unplanned snack became a reality when I forgot to include one of my carb servings with my lunch today. I was disappointed to see that I had forgotten it when I opened my lunch bag up at noon, but I quickly thought "I'll just make it up later in the day."

I came home after work, ate dinner, and then mowed my lawn. As I was mowing, I planned for my unplanned snack: ice cold yogurt with a bit of cheerios on top; this has become one of my favorites. This unplanned snack sure hit the spot after mowing. I know it isn't ice cream, but I sure do enjoy it as much and appreciate that it is healthier for me to eat.

The best part of this story: I get to eat a planned snack later this evening. You guessed it - ice cold yogurt with cheerios on top. Twice in one day...doesn't get much better than this.


thisrequiresthought said...

um... well, yeah.
It could actually be ICE CREAM.
(chocolate peanut-butter.)

p.s. Ben had this tonight, and I only had 3 spoonfuls.

TrashTidBits said...

I could try peanut butter in my yogurt. I never had that, but I'll give it a try and let you know. The chocolate is out for me.

The spoonfuls...were they teaspoons, tablespoons, or DC spoons?